Extract XISO x360 MACExtract XISO x360 MACCurrent Version:Written by TripkipCategory: XISO ToolsPage Views: 17,666Tripkip compile Aiyo's Iso Extraction Tool v2.5 new source code for MacI managed to compile Aiyo's new source code for Mac!Usage:1. Place extract-xiso next to your iso (easiest)2.
Xbox 360 Extractor
Open Terminal3. Change directory to the iso directory (ex. Cd Desktop)4. Execute extract-xiso with the name of your iso (ex./extract-xiso name.iso)5. Watch and relaxFor help just execute extract-xiso without any parameters.Xbox 360 Homebrew & PC ToolsXbox Homebrew & PC Tools: 233 Total Page Views: 3,512,176Most Recent Downloads for Extract XISO x360 MAC (1)Download TitlePublished byforahobbyMost Recent News Articles for Extract XISO x360 MAC (1)News TitlePublished byActive Users: 295ForumsActive Users: 181Your AccountActive Users: 69DownloadsActive Users: 65Xbox MediaActive Users: 59HomeActive Users: 54NewsActive Users: 45Xbox AchievementsActive Users: 44Xbox GamesActive Users: 41Xbox HomebrewActive Users: 24.